Debunking roofing myths in the PNW

Debunking the Common Myths About Roofing in the Pacific Northwest

Have you ever heard someone advise against getting a metal roof because ‘it’s loud when it’s raining’? Or did someone mention that the color of your asphalt shingles affects your energy bills?  How many of these claims are true, and which ones should you consider when choosing your roofing material in Seattle?  Let’s set the record straight and debunk some common myths with a sprinkle of wit and a dash of real talk.

Myth #1: Metal Roofs Attract Lightning

Metal roofs do not attract lightning any more than other types of roofs. Lightning is more likely to strike the tallest object in an area, regardless of its material. So unless your house is the tallest building around, your metal roof isn’t calling down thunderbolts like Thor on a bad day.

Myth #2: You Don’t Need Roof Cleaning Because The Rain Will Wash It Off

Just because it rains a lot doesn’t mean your roof can fend for itself. The constant moisture makes regular cleaning and roof maintenance even more crucial. When left unchecked, Moss, algae, and debris build up can damage your roof. Imagine having a growing ecosystem up there that eats away at your shingles!

Myth #3: All Roofing Materials Are the Same

While the common roofing materials in the Pacific Northwest can withstand heavy rainfall, asphalt shingles, metal, tile, and wood, each have pros and cons. It’s essential to choose the roofing material that matches your budget, energy-saving requirements, home aesthetics, and other preferences.

Myth #4: New Roofs Are Maintenance-Free

A new roof does not have a “set it and forget it” warranty. Regular roofing inspections and maintenance are still necessary to ensure longevity and performance. Neglecting your new roof can lead to premature aging and costly repairs.

Myth #5: DIY Roofing Saves Money

While the DIY spirit is admirable, roofing is one area where it’s best to call the professionals. The Pacific Northwest’s unique climate requires expert knowledge to install and maintain a roof properly. One small mistake can lead to leaks, mold, and significant damage, costing more in the long run.

Myth #6: It’s Fine to Patch a Shingle Over a Damaged One

Contrary to popular belief, adding a layer of new shingles over existing ones doesn’t save money. While it may reduce immediate costs, it can lead to significant expenses. Roofs can only support a certain amount of weight, and the additional layer of shingles adds substantial weight, risking serious structural damage or even a roof collapse.

Myth #7: Metal Roof Prevents Ice Dams

A metal roof, like asphalt, does not inherently stop ice from forming. The key to preventing ice dams is to ensure proper attic ventilation and insulation, which helps to control the amount of heat reaching the roof from the inside. These measures, not the type of roofing material, prevent ice dams.

Myth #8: Green Roofs Aren’t Suitable for Wet Climates

Green roofs, partially or completely covered with vegetation, can thrive in the Pacific Northwest. They offer excellent insulation, reduce stormwater runoff, and enhance biodiversity. Proper design and maintenance are key to ensuring they can handle the region’s wet weather.

Myth #9: Insurance Covers All Roof Damage

Home insurance policies vary widely, and not all roof damage is covered. It’s essential to understand your policy’s specifics, including coverage limits and exclusions. Regular maintenance can prevent many issues that might not be covered by insurance.

Myth #10: Roofs Only Need Attention When There’s a Problem

Preventive care is the best way to avoid problems. Regular inspections, cleaning, and minor repairs can extend your roof’s lifespan and prevent costly emergencies.

Get the Facts Straight for a Long-lasting Roof in the Pacific Northwest

Living in the Pacific Northwest means your roof is up against some of the toughest weather conditions. Getting the facts straight goes a long way toward ensuring your roof can last for years. Do you need help ensuring your PNW roof is well-maintained all year round?  Roofscapes NW is a local roofing company serving Pacific Northwest homes and businesses. We offer comprehensive roofing services, including installation, inspection, cleaning, repair, and full replacement. Our team of roofers is well-versed in installing and maintaining roofs that can withstand the area’s unique climate conditions. Contact us today for quality roofing services.